Tuesday, 30 November 2010

So why the world? Why life? Love!

I make this dream world of mind for love.

Don't fight over it. Don't fight others, don't fight yourself,

We are here in my dream for love.

You are me.

Say I.


That marks the end of this blog. No more Daily Cups of Tao will be served here. Thanks for coming, Bye.


David "Shinzen" Nelson said...

TaWan...thanks for the great many cups of tao...they have all tasted great!

I....Hands palm to palm. ^_^

Egemen said...

its been a pleasure!

Rizal Affif - The Soul Sanctuary said...

So this day finally comes, eh?

Farewell, and be well.


BK Max said...

I regret only finding your blog towards the middle of the year. Thanks for all your good work.

The trials and tribulations of QPR said...

Really? OK, well it's been good and a real thirst quencher for me...

...hey, Shinzen, put the kettle on mate...
