Who are you?
Can both be entirely answered with the same word?

"Where Zen and Buddhism will say the truth, enlightenment, and so on can be reached through dedicated meditation and practice, a Tao master may sip some wine, fart, and go to sleep."
Or purchase the paperback book of "The Person of Tao".
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* * * *Try these titles too... US$3.00 picture book with Tao Stories.
Pop! US$2.24 The short condensed Enlightenment.
That is That. US$4.98 The disjointed non-philosophy of Wu Wu.
Or "Tao", or "Infinite Being", or anything else, countless name to choose for. But no word can ever truly grasp, eh?
Yes it does not matter which label we choose, and no-label is also completely valid, maybe more so. Awareness is non-dual just as Tao or infinity. It is just such an alive idea and nothing could Be without it.
There is no opposite to awareness. It seems that awareness is all there can be, it is primordial, and it is infinite - it is all we are.
Yes, interesting post again Ta-Wan.
In the early years of my self-realization, the teachers I had taught that the word 'consciousness' best reflected the truth of the matter, (although words are only pointers), and that awareness is an extension of consciousness. This is because consciousness is the internal state, and when consciousness enters existence through the senses it becomes awareness.
The state 'I am', Be-ing or Tao simply is (consciousness), but when it enters existence through the senses it becomes awareness.
Anyway, they are just words attempting to describe the indescribable reality . . and in my experience they tend to fall short of the mark :)
Words do trap and the intent behind the word is key ;D
What is peering through the senses? It must be awareness.
What knows of consciousness? The awareness is primary if you use the words in this way.
You may also move the intent around and write how consciousness is primary.
There is no difference to the truth we share :-)
So true! :)
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