we can act as the worst kind of fake;
Seeing your breath does not help the wind,
let a swamp in your mind be a lake.

"Where Zen and Buddhism will say the truth, enlightenment, and so on can be reached through dedicated meditation and practice, a Tao master may sip some wine, fart, and go to sleep."
Or purchase the paperback book of "The Person of Tao".
Many thanks to those who have purchased these books!
* * * *Try these titles too... US$3.00 picture book with Tao Stories.
Pop! US$2.24 The short condensed Enlightenment.
That is That. US$4.98 The disjointed non-philosophy of Wu Wu.
Yes, the murky swamp of a mind needs to be stilled and filtered out so that only pure-clear perception remains! Yes, no or Wu? If Wu, please redirect :)
Yes you can allow the swamp to settle or simply switch viewpoint for instant release. The swamp is not real, just a mass of thoughts. As soon as they subside, slowly or instantly, there we are.
Nature plays out and our thinking is always after the true moment. Thoughts don't help one bit.
Awareness is here-now. Thoughts arise after so what use?
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