Work must be acted out as it is surely required in some way or another. This is how to make work a spiritual practice. Remain centered and harmonious even as the action takes place.

"Where Zen and Buddhism will say the truth, enlightenment, and so on can be reached through dedicated meditation and practice, a Tao master may sip some wine, fart, and go to sleep."
Or purchase the paperback book of "The Person of Tao".
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* * * *Try these titles too... US$3.00 picture book with Tao Stories.
Pop! US$2.24 The short condensed Enlightenment.
That is That. US$4.98 The disjointed non-philosophy of Wu Wu.
"My daily activities are not unusual, I am just naturally in harmony with supernatural power and marvelous activity, drawing water and carrying firewood." Layman P'ang.
I was reminded about Deepak Chopra's words here: every life is (equally) spiritual :)
What is the sound of one cow napping?
I never saw a dolphin wake up at 5.30am to beat the rush hour.
Humans deliberately make work harder for themselves than it needs to be.
. . . gee, you've obviously not spent enough time in your scuba diving gear Ta-Wan ;-)
Work is not work when you enjoy it!
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