The fool has a goal.
The gifted person of bliss has no aims.
The Cat's Me...Ow...Ow...OW!
I am NOT an early morning person! Never have been. These days 8 am is when
I tend to roll out of bed.
This morning, however, I was up at five stinking twe...
7 years ago
You have me smiling as I sit here contemplating these few succinct words . . .
. . words that reflect back to me my own experiences.
I know that you'll know what I mean Ta-Wan when I say that I once was a man with many 'goals' in life. I had so much to accomplish; my goals were closer to me than friends and family . . I was 'attached' to them so!
I had no choice but to go to war with them, but they didn't want to die, they hung in there with painful grappling hooks of attitude, belief and opinion so strong that I felt I would succumb; that I would never break free of their hold over me.
My goals did however have a purpose; they highlighted the 'fool' in me :-) . . .
. . in seeing that it was only the 'fool'; the conditioned personality, the false identity, that was so painfully attached to 'becoming' something, or someone, other than what I am . . . . I managed to break free. Ahhh, what wonderful freedom and liberation; such a sweet and 'blissful' cup of Tao.
I guess that I'm a fool. I set goals, but unlike most, getting there is part of the fun and journey since the path and final goal isn't taken seriously. Not sure if I can put into words what is meant. Hopefully it made sense.
I too am a fool...more like a raving lunatic...I love the chase, even though I know how it ends. I embrace and relish in my delusions...they are so much fun.
I would drink to that but that would mean I had a goal, so I'll just pour that tea over my head and dance naked.
What a fool.
What is this, a fools reunion?
Sorry, I couldn't resist guys . . . look, I see a difference between being goal driven and 'doing what has to be done in the moment'. This is one fool who would prefer to simply 'be' in the moment; to allow the 'Flow' of the moment take over and lead the 'Way' . . so to speak.
I still look at what has to be done, and I might set it as an 'aim'; if so I'll list the activities I have to undertake to 'do' what I have no choice but to do; but I then let go. No attachment to the outcome is allowed to 'flower' here like some overgrown weed.
I remain as 'Still and Alert' as I can, holding to present moment awareness, and I take action in the moment, one step at a time. Often I'll find that my direction starts to take a slightly, even vastly, different course to the one I originally had in mind; but it all works out for the best in the end. I find that the moment, the Tao, call it what you will, knows what it is doing. All 'I', the reader, have to do is simply 'be', take action, and be present as the moment takes over.
What say you? :-)
It gets so tricky when I try to pad out the idea.
Simply put, the true self has no aims and so no problems, just 100% Om
Little self has aims and so the resulting good-bad outcomes where it happens on the same path as true self, and pats itself on the back, or it sets sail the opposite way and starts swearing.
I would say it's more of a balance. We all have to play a role, and this role will involve goals. It's having a good time no matter how things go that you are speaking of.
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