Thursday, 12 August 2010


You know what was there? Right in the heart, right at the root, right there where it all began, that which envelops the infinite..

The answer: Something indefinable with words, incalculable, unimaginable, un-sayable.

It was the truth, and in meeting it: all further chatter, all attempts at definition, all mind-games that say this and that - were permanently, extinguished.

It was simple, it came before words.


Rizal Affif - The Soul Sanctuary said...

Sweet lines! Especially the very last one :D

The trials and tribulations of QPR said...'s 'this'...

...and it still is the truth, as it is, and can only be, 'this', what 'is'. It's here...

...with or without words...

Of course, 'Tao, is a pathless land. All paths go somewhere; take you away from 'this'. Tao is already 'this', nice words indeed Ta Wan :-)

David "Shinzen" Nelson said...

I just pulled my head out of my was incalculable, unimaginable and was simple!

I too loved the last line. It resonants with me...but of course, I am just trying to catch my breath. It was dark in there ;D